Home again

I've just written a story (which I hope will make it into the Big Issue's fiction issue this year) that has a lot of my Beijing impressions in it, so I'll let you know when that comes out. I was surprised, but pleased that I could use some of the experience so quickly, while it was still all fresh.
Now my nose is back at various grindstones. There's the story, which fell out in a heap on Thursday.
Then, I'm applying myself to the novel. At this early stage, it's rather enjoyably like this:
- Rope the calf from horseback, securing the rope to your saddle horn.
- Dismount and sprint towards the calf while holding the pigging string in your teeth to keep your hands free. (A pigging string is a short, looped rope used especially for tying the calf's feet.)
Then there's work, and Easter breaks down the south coast, and exercising, and life generally going on. After the last 2 months, it feels quite peaceful.
Must shake out my events frock for the 26th, though, and head to Brisbane, as you must, for this event at Avid. Yes, indeed. Krissy has promised to wear her selkie costume. And to lend me her spare one. Come and have your photo taken with us. And your likeness sketched by Rocco Fazzari. I tell you, it'll be a night to remember,