Greylands - the Great eBook Debate

Because talking is hard enough without all those 'st's
During this course Margo will be encouraging you to write truly, madly and deeply.The workshop sessions will happen in the mornings. The afternoons will be free; then we'll meet again in the evenings before dinner to read from works in progress or from our workshop writing, and get feedback from the group.
Truth: getting authenticity and authority into your fictional settings and characters; finding ‘the telling detail’ in a scene or character; writing convincing dialogue; making action feel real
Madness: freeing yourself to take leaps in the dark; getting out of your own way; refreshing your writing; disciplining your inner editor; filling the well; experimenting with strangeness
Depth: writing the story that only you can write; confronting your fears; writing from your depths—but keeping yourself safe/sane
This will be an intense retreat—but in a good way. Come along and refresh your writing, try new techniques and reconnect with your own personal sources of story.