OMG, the linkage is killing me.

Well, to begin with,
Tender Morsels has won the
Allen County Public Library Mock Printz, which is wonderful.
Also, it's had a
Blue Ribbon pinned to it by The Bulletin of the Center of Children's Books, meaning that it has made all six of the best-of-year lists for the big US children's-book-reviewing journals. Can't complain about that!
A review by Hilary Williamson at
BookLoons Reviews: 'Though her story begins in darkness and abuse, Margo Lanagan moves it steadily and assuredly into the light, with strong (mainly female) characters, intriguing magics, and beautiful writing.' Noice.
Abigail Nussbaum is disappointed that
TM wasn't grimmer. Well, that's a turn-up for the books. She calls it 'a bit shapeless...but entirely fascinating'. I'm not entirely sure I agree with her that my nerve failed as she said, but she's made me think. Maybe she'll make you think, too, if you're one of those readers who's going nuts because you're the only person you know who's read it and you can't talk to anyone about it. Go over and have a look.
Lisa Hannett, who'll now just be girding her loins for Week 2 of Clarion South (which I'll teach Week 3 of), thinks it's 'brilliant! I SO can't wait to meet her at Clarion!!!!!!!!!!! Even though her brilliance makes me a bit scared'. Bwa-ha! See you soon, Lisa!
Mrs D, who
reviews books for 'kids of all ages', says, 'There is a lot of darkness in this book, and at times it was achingly sad, but the characters and story are compelling and rich.'
(Nothing Rhymes with)
Rachel: 'The best one I read for the year ... Amazing stuff. I heart it a lot.'
Oh, and did I blog that it was one of the
Amazon Editors' Top Ten Picks of 2008? I may not have—that'll be minestrone-brain striking again.
My Clarion South student
Jason Fischer has now finished reading
Tender Morsels and is in a state of, shall we say, afterglow. :)
'How dark is too dark?' asks
Mette Harrison:
There are a handful of YA books this year that I have thought dark and perfect. One of them is Margo Lanagan's TENDER MORSELS. Another is Cylin Busby's THE YEAR WE DISAPPEARED. I think there is some debate on whether these books are actually YA or adult.
And I think that'll go on until we're all talked out...
OF Blog says: 'Lanagan does an outstanding job in creating a moving story that alternates between being blunt and evasive in its dialogue, as is fitting for this story's themes.'
And that's it for the online reviews and mentions to date. Meanwhile, Allen & Unwin have sent me a very slick folderful of press cuttings, some of which were new to me. A few RSI-preventative stretches, and I'll get straight onto those. No linking there, at least.