28 November, 2011


...has whizzed by, hasn't it? I've been doing NaNoWriMo(nth-and-a-half), hoping to finish a scratchy first draft of a novel by mid-December, for workshopping purposes (well, I'm hoping ROR will reveal to me the novel towards which this draft is directing its stabbings-in-the-dark), and I'm up to nearly 40K—I definitely won't make the 50K needed to 'win', but I will have 40K+ words on a new novel that I didn't have before, which is a good feeling, especially as I've been eyeing off this novel for, well, too many years now.

Not being on the Literature Board is starting to make a difference—I most certainly wouldn't have had the time to do this, and all the associated reading (this is a novel that requires research—much more research than I've managed to do along the way) if I'd had to read for the Publication and Promotion Grants meeting. Although, going to the Writer Emeritus Award last week, in the midst of the November meeting, made me remember anew how great it was to sit in a room with all those intelligent people nutting out just how we were going to benefit the maximum number of writers with the little pot of money we had. (The Emeritus Award went to poet Robert Gray, who gave a wonderful speech and also read us a poem.)

My God, we're looking down the throat of the Christmas already! And then there's reading for ROR, and then there's ROR, and then there's Sea Hearts/The Brides of Rollrock Island publication. Better get this novel-drafting out of the way soon, to make way for all that.


Blogger Suzanne said...

Ha, am in the exact same NaNo position. 40 000 down, which is great, but I'm wondering whether I could burst a blood vessel and get myself to 50 000. Sadly a certain life-devouring computer game came out this month and everything else fell by the wayside.

28 November, 2011 13:31  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is an exciting time of year :) and I can't wait for the publication of Sea Hearts. Eeep!

28 November, 2011 22:40  
Blogger Ms. said...

Jakie Morris sent me here today--and reccomended your Sea Hearts/The Brides of Rollrock Island with such high to the sky praises, I came over for a visit to see if I could join your blog with my friend connect -- but I see no 'home' or friend connect 'followers' --so I am wondering if there is a way to 'join' so that, when you post, it will drop into my e.blogger dashboard to alert me to read? I plan to acquire your book in the coming new year, but am spending constrained till the holidays are come and gone.

12 December, 2011 06:01  
Blogger Dawn said...

I wanted to share the rug I'd crafted, in part after I read Tender Morsels


20 December, 2011 03:41  
Blogger Among Amid While said...

Ms [symbols]: Hi and welcome! Although I've been writing this blog for 6 years, I've only ever done it in 1st gear, technically speaking. It looks as if I have to change the template if I want to include 'joinability'. I need to have the leisure to do this—maybe I'll manage it over Christmas/New Year! Until then, I hope you'll check back occasionally. Best, Margo.

20 December, 2011 07:04  
Blogger Among Amid While said...

Hi Dawn, That's an amazing creation! You managed to get so much life and movement into those two figures. And I'm not so much pleased, I guess (although that, too), as awed that Tender Morsels reached so far into you. And honoured to have my words as your screen saver. All the best, Margo.

20 December, 2011 07:07  

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