Beijing appearances

Yes, I've fallen out of Adelaide Writers' Week, all dazzled by the sunshine and glory, and straight into frantic preparations for Australian Writers' Week in Beijing. Here's what I'll be doing:
- giving a speech at an International Women's Day breakfast
- going on a panel with Janette Turner Hospital and Ouyang Yu about "Storytelling on the world stage", at Renmin University (Tuesday 13 March at 3.30pm)
- panelising with Mark McKenna and Maria Tumarkin about "Real and imagined worlds: the impetus of story" at Tsinghua University (Wednesday 14 March at 1.30pm)
- talking about "Desire, despair and transformation" with Janette Turner Hospital at the Bookworm Literary Festival (Thursday 15 March at 5.15pm)
- visiting a school with the Bookworm migrant schools program
- visiting students at the Western Academy.