Google alerted me this morning (after having a rest from alerting me to anything for about four months) to
this anthology that I'm in, ARCs of which must now be out and readable-on-planes, although I haven't seen a copy yet. It's coming out from Arthur A. Levine Books (Scholastic US) in October, same time as
Red Spikes is coming out from Knopf.

So I went looking for it, and...
here it is, although Amazon has mistitled it. And it's hard to search for, its title being so widely used across the Internet for commands and such. I ended up finding it by Googling "doyle lanagan hornby click novel scholastic".
It's not really an anthology, more a collaborative novel, although, as with The Lost Shimmaron, the authors were pretty much free to do their own thing within certain parameters. And this is who we are:
Roddy Doyle, Booker Prize-winning author of A STAR CALLED HENRY; Nick Hornby, author of ABOUT A BOY; Ruth Ozeki, author of MY YEAR OF MEATS; Margo Lanagan, Prinz Honor Award-winning author of BLACK JUICE; Linda Sue Park, Newbery Award-winning author of A SINGLE SHARD; David Almond, winner of the Whitbread Award and Carnegie Medal and author of SKELLIG; Gregory Maguire, author of WICKED; Tim Wynne-Jones, two-time winner of Canada's Governor General's award and author of ONE OF THE KINDER PLANETS; Deborah Ellis, author of THE BREADWINNER; Eoin Colfer, author of the Artemis Fowl Books.
Quite a posse, no? The editorial review calls us 'the world's best beloved authors', although I think I may have snuck in under the radar on that, tee-hee.
We were also free, full stop—moneys are all going to Amnesty International. So, we may not get to eat, but we get to be holier-than-thou. :)
Cheryl Klein reckons: 'This book is so freakin' cool. Ten different authors each wrote one chapter illuminating the life of George Keane, photojournalist, or the stories of his grandchildren Maggie and Jason, who inherit both his gifts and a mission.'
here is a blog entry by Linda Sue, dealing not only with
Click (different cover there), but with all the fun everyone had without me at this year's Newbery Dinner/ALA Conference, waah! Also with golf-ball pyramids. Go feast your eyes.

Here is the other cover.
It's nice when a bunch of deadlines starts turning into a bunch of purty books, I have to say. I can't imagine how wonderful it will feel to have this end-of-July deadline all shiny-covered in my hands. I think I might just vapourise with relief.