THE END of the novel
Well, the 117,000 words of Tender Morsels is currently printing out for its final check before being sent off via Allen & Unwin to all four publishers (Aus, US, UK and German) for editing—this feels like a cross between sending someone into a dark alley to be beaten up, and sending them into a brightly lit operating theatre where they will be carefully dismembered. But it's okay, I think I can manage to keep myself intact throughout the process.
And seeing as I didn't expect to be at this point even by December this year, or possibly ever again (thank you, Jan and Lee and the WOW weekenders!), I'm allowed to take a moment to feel hugely relieved, I think. (Before I rush off to finish those overdue short stories—oops!)
And to celebrate with a spot of colour, here is a photo, one of many by Ione Rucquoi, that partly captures the feeling of the book. Go, Muddy Annie, out into the world!
And seeing as I didn't expect to be at this point even by December this year, or possibly ever again (thank you, Jan and Lee and the WOW weekenders!), I'm allowed to take a moment to feel hugely relieved, I think. (Before I rush off to finish those overdue short stories—oops!)

Muddy Annie, huh? May I be the first to officially say... EEK!
Congratulations on 117k. I hate you. I have at least 40k to go and mine's just a first draft!
Whoa, the little novel that grew! We *told* you it needed to be longer!
mmm, hot men dressed up as bears...
Go you! That's HUGE - both the length and the accomplishment.
I can't wait to get my hands on it...
40K is only four weekends' worth for you, Cat. I'll be ready with the sav blanc in September!
Tansy, he's even hotter now - I had to make him younger when I stuffed up the time-slippage.
Amy, it's out the door now, so officially on its way to you! Via the labyrinth of the publishing process.
Well done, Margo - all the best with it. I look forward to reading it.
Thanks, Jim - I have word from A&U that no major changes are needed, so fingers crossed the OS publishers agree!
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