In case it might be of any interest, here in Russia I've got a copy of TM with the cover illustration by Ruud van Empel. Honestly, when I saw it for the first time, the cover wasn't much a clue to what's inside. However, magic definitely oozed from those trees. It still does.
I write fiction. My latest novel is Zeroes, the first book of the Zeroes trilogy (YA fantasy), a collaboration with Scott Westerfeld and Deborah Biancotti. My novel Sea Hearts is published as The Brides of Rollrock Island in the UK and the US. I've also written Tender Morsels and five short story collections: White Time, Black Juice, Red Spikes, Yellowcake and Cracklescape.
In case it might be of any interest, here in Russia I've got a copy of TM with the cover illustration by Ruud van Empel. Honestly, when I saw it for the first time, the cover wasn't much a clue to what's inside. However, magic definitely oozed from those trees. It still does.
"The use of language is gorgeous". I wholeheartedly agree. :)
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