Well, there was really no excuse for spending the whole week and more away. Except that nothing much happened, and blogging every day for 5 days over at Reading Victoria kind of overworked my blogging muscles and they needed a wee rest. I worked - let us speak no more of that - and I went to a really nice book launch at Berkelouw's Leichhardt (walking distance!) on Thursday evening for Scribe's
New Australian Stories, edited by Aviva Tuffield, and I slept in this morning and have been to the shops in the rain, and just finished doing our three BASes and am feeling just a touch nauseated. Every time you dare to be a little bit optimistic, BAS time rolls around again.
Next weekend, the 2007-08 tax! Ah, the glamour of the writer's life. And now, to the crossword!
Three BAS's? Go out buy yourself something nice.
Yeah, the New Australian Stories!
I know it's an adult collection but I am surprised how few short fiction anthologies for younger and teenage readers there are.
(Lucky there are authors putting out great ones of their own.)
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